BR Lite - New Beginnings

A Birthright PBeM



The Eastern Marches

Baruk - Azhik

Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
Bran's Retreat (4/1) GG (4) MF (4) DW (2)
EL (2)
Cliff's Lament (4/1) GG (4) MF (4) DW (2)
EL (2)
Land's Victory (3/6) GG (3) MF (3) DW (3) --
The Promontory (3/6) GG (3) MF (3) DW (3) --
Rivenrock (5/4) GG (5) MF (5) ML (3)
DW (2)

Abbreviations: GG = Grimm Graybeard (Baruk-Azhik); MF = Moradin's Forge (Ruarch Rockhammer); DW = Diirk Watershold (Royal Guild of Baruk-Azhik); EL= Elamien Lamier (Point's East Trading Guild); ML Moerele Lannaman (Maesil Shippers).



Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
Barniere (1/4) CoL (1) -- -- Ch (4)
Careine (2/6) CoL (1) TF (1) CoL (2) Ch (5)
Hamein (1/5) CoL (1) WB (1) CoL (1) TBM (4)
Lyssan (2/7) CoL (2) WB (1)
TF (1)
CoL (2) Ch (7)
Mhowe (2/4) CoL (2) -- CoL (2) TBM (4)
Ruorkhe (1/6) CoL (1) -- CoL (1) Ch (6)
Salviene (1/5) CoL (1) -- -- Ch(5)

Abbreviations: CoL= Council of Leaders; Ch= the Chimaera; TF= The Fortress (Tugaere Issimane); WB = Water's Blessing (Phisaid Uriene); TBM= Three Brother Mages.



Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
Bogsend (3/2) EC (1) LPA (1) GH (3) Sw2 (2)
Caudraight (4/1) EC (2) HA (2)
LPA (2)
DW (2)
GH (2)
Deepshadow (3/2) EC (2) LPA (2) DW (3) TBM (2)
Duornil (2/3) EC (1) LPA (1) DW (2) TBM (3)
Mistil (2/3) EC (1) LPA (2) DW (2) TBM (3)
Ranien (2/3) EC (1) LPA (1) EL (2) TBM (3)
Rourven (4/1) EC (3) LPA (3)
HA (1)
DW (2)
EL (2)

Abbreviations: EC = Eluvie Cariele; LPA = Life and Proection of Avanalae (Medhlorie Haensen); GH = Ghoried Hiriele (Highland/Overland Traders); Sw2= Second Swamp Mage; HA = Haelyn's Aegis (Antia Maricoere; DW= Diirk Watershold (Royal Guild of Baruk-Azhik); TBM = Three Brother Mages; EL = Elamier Lamier (Points East Trading Guild).


Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
Algael (2/3) JR (2) IHH (2) DW (2) Sw (3)
Brothendar (3/2) JR (3) CSH (3) GH (3) Sw (2)
Ghalliere (2/3) JR (1) IHH (2) GH (2) Sw2 (3)
Gulfport (3/2) JR (3) CSH (2) -- Sw2 (2)
Moergen (2/3) WM (2) IHH (2) DW (2) Sw2 (3)
Moriel (4/1) JR (3)
WM (1)
CSH (3)
TCV (1)
GH (2)
DW (1)
Sw2 (1)
Spiritsend (2/6) JR (1) -- DW (2) Sw (6)
Sunken Lands (2/6) WM (2) CSH (2) -- Sw2 (6)

Abbreviations: JR= Jaison Raenech (Osoerde); IHH = Impregnable Heart of Haelyn (Hubaere Armiendin); DW = Diirk Watershold (Royal Guild of Baruk-Azhik); Sw = Swamp Mage; CSH = Church of Storm's Height (Wincae Raehech); GH = Ghorien Hiriele (Highland/Overland Traders); Sw2 = Second Swamp Mage; WM = William Moergen; TCV = One True Church of Vosgaard (Unknown).



Province Law Temples Guilds Sources
Annydwr (2/9) Is - - Is
Cu Haellyrd (3/9) Is - - Is
Fhylallien (6/8) Is - - Is
Ghyllwn (2/9) Is - - Is
Hoehnaen (3/9) Is - - Is
Iseare (4/8) Is - - Is
Llewhoellen (3/9) Is - - Is
Tuar Lyrien (2/9) Is - - Is
Ywrndor (2/9) Is - - Is

Abbreviations: Is = Isaelie (Sielwode).

*Holding levels are unknown.